7 Things you didn’t know about National Employability enhancement mission! Part 2

Continued from previous article.


4.Loyal Employees


National Employability Enhancement Mission (NEEM Scheme/नीम स्कीम) generates a work force which is pretty loyal to the company. The reason being simple. The training program is formulated in such a manner that people undergoing the training program have a sense of ownership. They learn the latest skills and hence know that the company and the government is doing something for betterment of their future. Its common human nature to return the favor. Thats how the human society works. We all know that having a loyal and motivated work force is something that we all need for our companies. Hence Neem scheme is doing some good work for the cause. 


5.Saves Money

This mission actually saves you lots of money. As a business person or as a industry you have to look at the bigger picture. Training your own manpower with the latest skills, that too in the least possible cost is always a welcome thing. In the long run you would observe that, these training measures that you took for your company are actually paying off well. The holistic returns on investments on embracing such schemes is always higher than traditional hire and fire policy.



6.Makes you competitive

This one is pretty obvious, if you are in the global business, then you know that its an ever changing world. Skills are everything and they need to be constantly upgraded. Its simple, people are only going to produce whats in demand. With the changing global consumer base, it becomes crucial that you serve your customers well. Its like skill up or perish now a days. Earth is a connected market now and everyone is doing business everywhere. Hence using neem scheme will also ensure that you remain globally competitive and in perfect business health.


7.You help Create Employment

Needless to say, that being industrious is all about giving back to the society from which you take, as a responsible social businessman you help create employment when you utilize NEEM scheme for your company. Therefore you are helping the nation in more than one way.



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