How to Succeed and thrive in your training programs

How to Succeed and thrive in your training programs

LIfe is not fair, to say the least. Growing in life is difficult and becoming a leader is even harder. Have you ever wondered why some people learn things faster than you, they are full of energy and take initiatives, Nothing seems to bother them and they just lead the way. What if we told you that anyone can do it by boosting their certain hormones. That you can ace your skills development efforts and be at the top of the class.

Well, hold on your horses and read the following content carefully. The fact is that if you can manage your dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins levels then you can achieve anything at least at your skills development classes and later in life.

The hormones mentioned above are responsible for increased focus, energy and the overall state of happiness. If these hormones are balanced then no matter what your work situation or environment is you would always find yourself happy and beating the odds. Dopamine is your achievement hormone. Higher the dopamine levels in your body, higher is your alertness, focus, creativity, long-term memory, and concentration. Higher levels of dopamine also tend to make you social and extroverted with people who matter, in turn supporting your goal-seeking behavior.

Oxytocin is your attachment molecule. Trigger it to increase loyalty, trust, empathy, and generosity at your workplace. This is the hormone which makes you a team player and helps in bonding with others at an emotional level.  It also helps in increasing your social interactions. Hence you would have a better network than your peers.

Serotonin is your leadership hormone. It boosts willpower, self-esteem, inner satisfaction, confidence and a sense of purpose. Simultaneously it battles cortisol or your stress hormone. People love to follow your purpose when they see in you the confidence, high self-worth and low stress that they seek in a leader.

Finally, endorphin is responsible for your state of bliss. That glow of happiness on the face that your peers and clients love to see is all because of endorphin. Its called the happiness hormone and keeps your morale high.

Now you might be wondering what can be done to boost these hormones. Well, for starters exposure to sunlight is a must. Get your regular dose of sun and sleep, that’s the best formula. Early to bed and early to rise is the key here. Eat healthily and get exercise, this will keep all your hormones at an optimal level.

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