Importance of Skill Development for developing the Next Generation

Importance of Skill Development for developing the Next Generation

According to the various surveys held, it is found that the emergence of technology is helping the country in developing its economy at a faster rate. The revolution in technology has embraced artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Big data and helping the country in its progress. This has developed a significant transformation and created various opportunities in employment.

The urge to develop the potential and the desire to embrace success has unlocked the keys to success. Skill is the crucial key that helps the country to grow and creates opportunities. The industries look forward do deploying skilled employees and the demand has increased exponentially with the increase of globalization.  

So what does it mean for India?

India has got a population where more than 50 per cent of the population is in the age below 25 years, while more than 65 per cent of the population has got the age below 35 years. Hence, the country can be stated as young with the population has got more than 28 million youths adding up annually. Therefore the country has got a strong requirement for skill development and training which would assist the young generation to achieve their goals. The education system has integrated with skill development through various extracurricular activities during the academics and brought forward a dynamic change. This would develop the country to transform into a skilled capital of the world. 

Ideally, when the child is at his 10 years of age or pursuing his sixth standard – he should get acquainted with some skill development courses. This would help in growing the interest for the particular subject and later can specialize to develop that skill along with the knowledge earned during his academics. There are lots of courses imparted in streams like Hospitality and Tourism, Handicraft, Healthcare, Photography, IT, Banking, etc. The learning experience can be enhanced through various practical methods like e-learning, Digital or video inputs. Training the young generation would help in shaping up the abilities and would develop a skilled workforce in the long run. The transition from a student to a professional would now become easier because the students would be encouraged with real situations and would adapt employable skills. The modern education system concentrates on the curious growth and encourages the progress of the child. The enthusiasm to learn about the subject increases and helps in increasing interest in the subject. This, in turn, would help the individual in the future when it is required for them to work. The children should be allowed to develop skills in the fields that interest them. 

This would help them to adopt job satisfaction in the long run and would adopt a happier standard of living in the future. However, if the kid is forced to learn that does not interest him would not yield a better environment for him. Because this would make him work that would satisfy the desires and expectations for others. The competitive environment is always evolving the pattern of development with a constant change in the requirements and needs. Therefore, it is necessary to excel in newer fields and enhance the adaptability to generate new ideas along with imaginative solutions. Hence, it is always advised to allow the children to participate in co-curricular activities. 

They should not only got to school, work hard on their homework and performing well on their exams. They also require to be nurtured with ambitious skills. They require something that they would enjoy instead of coercing them with the desires that you want.

Role Of Technology Penetration 

The massive penetration of technology has brought forward various opportunities. The employability in 5 years has increased from 37% to 47.38%. The importance of Skill development has been recognized by the government of India. Therefore, they have started working on it and various initiatives like Digital India and Skill India have been launched to impart training to the youth of the country and develop a pool of skilled resources. The Indian Government is also emphasizing on developing skilled resources from the Union territories. They have set up well-equipped centres to facilitate these pieces of training and raise the employability in various sectors. The objective has helped to polish the skills and enable these resources to fit for specific jobs through various guidance. This has created a drastic transformation in the work sphere and also contributing a growth financially and ethically. 

The modern generation counterparts different modes of hurdles which is relatively different from the one that our parents used to face. The competitive global economy demands employees with a higher level of skills, which would help the organization with innovative tasks and improvised quality of services. Therefore the modern generation should also be skilled enough so that they can create a future that they want to live forever.

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