Role of Grooming in Business World

Success in business world is a very complex process. being in to business of skills development we know that grooming and turn out is vital for being at the top. Technical skills are very important but so are the grooming and self presentation skills. Its always our intent to provide our blog readers with the best of relevant content. we stumbled upon a nice write up by  Ahmed of passion connect and thought we would share it here.


An opinion on the importance of grooming; how it channels our first impression into a lasting one.

To groom is to brush and clean the coat of a horse, a dog or other animal or to prepare or train someone for a purpose or activity. However, In this article the other animal referred to, is a human being.

Going back to childhood, on getting out of bed; we brushed our teeth, had a bath to clean ourselves, so that we could fit in, to the ethics of the social environment of our school. Valued ourselves that we seemed less like a real animal and more like a “human”. From this initial stages of our beloved mothers grooming us, we thought ourselves through practice. Standing in front of the mirror and trying ourselves to different styles, using the shampoos, the gel’s to suit ourselves to the perfect occasion. Overtime, we meet different phases of our lives with different persona of ourselves, grooming our minds and our ability to the lives we wanted to live.

Grooming measured one’s intellect in defining one’s identity to what one was seeking among a group of individuals, the perfection to which one could read the value of gathering by shaping him/herself to the ambience of the situation, which in a social environment depended on the purpose of it. So, what began as a necessity to cover our bodies defining ourselves to our society evolved as a medium to express ourselves developing into an art! Shaping the face of modern industrialization; leading to the inception of an industry for fashion!

It was now an elaborate representation of one’s identity; one could find clothes, shoes, accessories suiting his or her taste among a variety of designs and shapes, within a wide monetary range. Infinite choices for as many occasions;

To what extent does it shape one’s identity?

Choosing the scenario of an economic cultural fest, where we meet different kinds of people with different ideas and beliefs, people who require an economic investment to grow these ideas into a higher detail of intricacy. Wanting to use money as a tool to buy resource’s to further their interest, which could help develop a strong foundation. Therefore what is needed is a group of people who share common interests and beliefs and are willing to invest, not for anyone else but for themselves!

Therefore, among a few hundred’s how does one attract the right kind of people? Luring them with ideas they themselves are not aware of but are willing to take the risk! The way we have groomed to this situation invokes an observer’s interest; to the detail to which we know and acknowledge our ideas, how approachable we are, the economic state of our situation, how we feel about ourselves, where we come from, our beliefs and the rationality we surround ourselves with. Spending time with like minded individuals we build ourselves on the areas of interest and gain efficiency on physiological as well as psychological grooming, which has a lasting impression on what we do.

The example above could be used as a relative understanding of a different situation; a family gathering, a party or a business meeting.

Kathryn Eisman, the author of the ‘Psychology of style’ shares that we are constantly in a state of semi conscious delusion!

So grooming is one of the many ways, which clarifies our identity not only to ourselves but also to people around us. It forms a base for communication with an observer.

Synonymously, Friedrich Nietzsche sums it up the best:

‘We must learn to love, learn to be kind, and this from our earliest youth … Likewise, hatred must be learned and nurtured, if one wishes to become a proficient hater’

Credits: Passion Connect

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