What Makes a Good Skills Development Programme?


Skills development programme can include various things in it to be the good one for a company hence identifying the company’s requirements is essential to a successful skills development programme. There are several factors which should be included in the skills development programme to make an impactful one. Some of them are discussed below:

Evaluation of existing skill sets, knowledge base, and training requirements: This needs to be analyzed that what is our business requirements from our employees and what is their actual strength. Is there any kind of gap between the two?

Individual learning paths: how do people learn different skill sets? What is an efficient way to teach a specific skill to a person?  If you think that you have all the skills in your basket, then the question which came in mind that how did you learn them? Is it the classroom or by watching others doing the same thing? What will be your strategy and method to teach those skills to your employee?

Different type of learning methods fitted to personal & specific requirements needs: apart from the basic classroom, what are other resources do you have and what are other requirements?

Customized aftercare to make sure that knowledge is retained and always up to date as per business standards: The motive is that you need to maintain your skills over the long period of time.

Success factors for both sides –  Any programme can become successful when analysis of both the company and employee interests are calculated.  Detailed emphasis on these practices in skill training programs and daily manufacturing process allows a strong, dependable and successful relationship building for a long term.


Transparency about necessary skills: Company should make their stand clear that what they need from their employee.

Set the skill sets as per your business requirements – You must be clear what are the skill sets you really need to keep your business running? A highly skilled software programmer probably can’t weld. If you need a highly qualified welder, that programmer won’t help you in any case.  So make your training programme and workshops according to your business requirements.

Sustainable & long lasting skill development: training is not an event it is a continuous process. It may consist of different events, but any learning effort has to be sustained for a longer period of time. Jus attending a few classes will not make you a top quality programmer or highly skilled carpenter.


Clear Idea about necessary skills:  The Employee should better understand their job, it will automatically help them to better I understand what is necessary skills to do it well and how it fits into the larger picture for better future and career.

Self Awareness and the opportunity for improvement: where do I am standing currently? Am I really good at my work?  Am I the most suitable person to carry this task. You need to search for honest and objective answers along with ways to get better in your current skill sets.

Skills Development as a Productive Experience for Everyone

For the majority of business managers, the training experience has not been positive: This leads to a thinking of sending a vital employee to a long tour where they will fill up with high-level technical knowledge over several days, little of which will be useful in their actual business. Also when the employee will be in the week-long workshop, their business may run short of staff and they might need to hire extra staff which will be an extra burden on them. Fortunately, this is not the way skill development.

A successful skills development program started at home and by reviewing company exact requirements & needs: How do you see the current skills level of your employee now, and where should they need to be upgraded to fulfill upcoming changes? That discussion should be done in meeting with all the senior management and HR management as well. To make a suitable decision, everyone has to agree on the business requirements and will this training skill programme will be able to fulfill it in the long term.

The two important factors which will be helpful in determining the requirements of the skill sets will be: Where is your company currently and where you think you should reach in the future, say after five minutes. You don’t need anyone to come in and tell you how to run the business and what skills your business should have.

The process should be done internally with a clear assessment of your employees on the basis of your business standards. A standard review process as per business standard will assists you in setting up those standards and perform the evaluation. Once you identify the skills gaps among your employees, the next step is to create a specific skills development programme to start filling up the gape.

Successful programs can be created with a different kind of mixed to fit into the different situation:

Classroom-Based Training – Tutor based classroom learning can be used if the number of the employee are in large groups. It can be at your business location or at the tuition provider as well.

Virtual classroom – Virtual instructor-led learning is become very popular due to the time-saving approach. You can select any skill development programme as per your requirements and do not need to worry about the location.

Learn at your own pace – Self-paced learning module based on individual requirements or small group of employees using classic e-learning modules. This type of skill development program runs for a long time and allows the students to move at their own pace.

Keep in mind the significance of on-demand and follow-up facts of learning. Skills that are not used regularly can become dull and need to be refreshed on a timely interval.  The companies need to understand that every skill development programme needs to be run on a constant basis and employees also need to recall their skills after the completion of the workshops. Failing to recall the skills will surely lead to a decline in the skill sharpness. Intensive training over a small period of time can work sometimes, but to make the skill set permanent employee need to brush them up on regular basis.

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